Tuesday, February 3

As this is my first post, I guess I should kinda explain what this whole blog is about. I shall keep it neat.

I’m Miss Jessica Rabbit, or otherwise known as 'The Girlfriend' and I have had this title/chore officially for about 6 months. As much as I love it, sometimes it gets a little annoying and this blog is to vent my frustrations. Frustrations that seem petty to me and not worthwhile mentioning to The Boyfriend.

I am the type of person that will avoid arguments and petty rifts at all costs. If I feel an argument or storm brewing, I will always certainly run in the opposite direction. I hate conflict, especially if it’s not needed. Some things do need mentioning though, like for instance leaving the toilet seat up. why do you men do it? Dirty laundry on the floor, especially when there is a laundry basket to hand. Why? Things like this really grate on me. But for fear of creating endless moans and arguments about them (that always seem to go in one ear and out of the other) I have decided I shall blog them. Then it’s all out in the open, out of my system. Easy. Gone.
So if you’ve decided to follow this blog and you’re male. Please do not be offended by anything here. I post for my own sanity and so that I don’t become that niggly Girlfriend I’ve been in previous relationships. My identity is withdrawn and I shall remain Miss Jessica Rabbit from this day on.


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