Tuesday, February 3

The more time I spend with him, the more irritating the little annoyances become. I find myself secretly logging in to my blog on the sly, just to let out a little moan. Afterwards I breathe a sigh of relief. It doesn’t calm me down, it just makes it feel like I’ve ‘got it off my chest’ without creating a bump in our relationship.

He came in from work earlier on and announced he was working again tonight. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind him working. Not when it’s bringing extra money in. It’s just the fact that he doesn’t give me any sort of warning or notice. Which I hate. I hate the ‘not knowing’. I’m a planner and it annoys the hell out of me when my plans get messed up, especially if the person messing them up is The Boyfriend.

Another annoyance.
“I’ll do the washing up babe” – Great, wonderful I thought. Just gone to make myself a cuppa tea so I could settle down to blog, only to find half the dishes washed are still filthy. What the?! and then I remembered my Mum once giving me a piece of advice and I really should put it into action.

“If you want something doing properly, you’re better off doing it yourself“

Then again, do I really want The Boyfriend to turn into a big, fat, lazy slob? Wayne Slob springs to mind.

Oh no, oh dear.

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