Monday, November 2

Goin' to the chapel an we're.....

You'll be pleased to hear that yes, I'm still alive and no, I'm not hiding from the men anymore. I do appear to be more of a 'curtain twitcher' since that event though.

Things seem to be on the up for me at the moment, pushing the conversation with B aside, we have decided to start saving for our wedding. Not planning. Just saving. But it's weird how even saying the word 'wedding' causes me to stress.
But then I stressed, shit, how does one know how much to save when there is no plans in place?? So, trying not to stress about the fact we have only said we're saving for our wedding and not planning... (heck we haven't even set a date yet) I've decided to start my wedding budget planner and piecing together my guest list and I might nip into town on the way home from work and pick up a scrap book and a few magazines. I'm not sure what B will think, coming home to the carpet strewn with wedding stuff. But hey, saving for the wedding was his idea to begin with.... And well, as I said, how can one save when they have no idea how much they need to save and what for?

B is home tonight, so I'm going to cook something nice, enjoy a nice glass of red and take a long soak in the tub.

5 notes:

Bitsy said...

glad youre back, I have had nothing interesting to read!!!

Circus Princess said...

Go girl! Get those wedding magazines all over the floor. Because, exactly what you said, how can you save without knowing what you're saving for...?

me said...

I guess congratulations are in order.... pre wedding/pre planning/active saving congratulations :-)

Quincifer said...

I'd just save what you can for now and then once you both have an idea of what/where/who/when then you can plan a target amount.
The thought of getting married always used to scare me but me and my guy talk about it alot. We've talked about where, I've picked my dress (seriously, the exact one).....he hasn't actually proposed or anything yet and it won't be for a few years, but we just figure that we know we want to, and talking about it now will make it easier when we're ready to do it.
Plus I am a mega-planner :)

DILLIGAF said...

You have to save before you plan. Getting married is inordinately expensive and I have instructed my Jax that she cannot marry anyone who is not...

A) A millionaire...preferentally multi

B) Prepared to pay for the lot

No pressure...;-)