Monday, October 12


I've been sent home from work today, sick as a dog. Sick, sick, sick.
It's only a cold, really. But I need sympathy and well, the boyfriend is working away for a few weeks and the dog has fallen out with me (he's been to the vets recently). So I'm home, practically alone and ill and I want, want, want sympathy.

So, seeing as I've got the house to myself, I'm setting up home on the sofa. With my duvet, the V+ remote, laptop and a bit of Belle De Jour & Secret Diary of a Call Girl. I've also become quite addicted to Four Weddings. So I might squeeze a few episodes of that in.

All in all, with plenty of hot chocolates, I think this is definitely a 'get well' day.

What is your ideal 'get well' day?

5 notes:

me said...

Its got to be an old black and white film on the tele, a quilt (as you lay on the sofa) and yes, I agree, hot chocolate :-)

Hope you feel better

DILLIGAF said...

Yes but it's only woman flu!

It has been scientifically proven that man flu is significantly worse than woman flu as women have more immunity to illness.

Don't blame me blame the scientists!!!

Anyroad...get well soon babe x toddy's. Scotch and hot water. Trust me I'm from Oldham ;-)

Bitsy said...

The boy and an open fire and shite tv. I love Four Weddings. Watch the "celebrity" one. I dont know really how they can legally call it "celebrity" haha. Get well. Give dog some meat. He'll love you again. xx

samanfar89 said...

I like watching films and eating comfort food :)

Fish finger sandwiches are my vice :D

ooo four weddings is a great programme watch :)

me said...

ooooooh I LOVE a fishfinger sandwich, with vinegar of course...