Sunday, October 11


I cried last night. I mean, really cried.
But it was nothing to do with the state of my life, the mess that is the current state of my house, the mundane-ness that is my job, no.
It was a book.
My current read - If you're not sure, you'll find it on the right hand side.
My Sister's Keeper.

I won't give anything away and tell you what I was crying about. But I shocked myself.
Never in a million years would I have thought that a book would have touched me so deeply to make me cry.

I'm nearly finished reading it and I'm just wondering how upsetting the last few pages are going to be.
I know it's coming.
Waterproof mascara at the ready.

2 notes:

me said...

I think a lot of people underestimate the effect a good book can have....
Love the image accompanying the post, very apt :-)

DILLIGAF said...

See?! Told you to read some Tom Sharpe books. You'll cry allright - with laughter (don't read any in public like I did on a train back from oop north. The wifey was somewhat embarressed to be sitting next to a giggling loon)

Word veri thingy is NATIONC - Now that's a good read. Terry Pratchett's 'Nation'. Not a 'Discworld' novel. Very very good.